Collective Worship

Every day our school community comes together for collective worship. As a Church of England school our worship is founded on our Christian vision and values.

We encourage children to reflect in worship, to have a period of calm, respectful space in which to be mindful. We create a peaceful atmosphere where everyone, pupils and staff can find peace and stillness through music, a lit candle being focal point for attention. The candle represents the light of Christ shining a path and the lights that each one of us can be to inspire our spirit.

Every day there is a different focus, a different member of staff or clergy leading us, supported by pupils.

Monday’s worship is led by the head of school or a member of the senior leadership team to explore the theme for the week based on the school's vision and values.

Tuesday’s worship is led by a senior member of staff and explores how our values translate into kindness towards one another. We also have Tom Daggett (St Paul's Cathedral Outreach) who leads the music.

Wednesday’s worship is hymn practice.

Thursday’s worship is led by the clergy from All Saints and Saint Nicholas churches and other parish churches.

Friday's worship is one where parents are invited to celebrate children’s achievements, efforts and learning.

We celebrate all the major Christian festivals throughout the year at our local parish church of All Saints Poplar. The festival celebrated in at all Saints include harvest Christingle Ash Wednesday, Holy week and a special year six mass at transition. We are lucky to host and organise a joint year six service of all the year six pupils and staff from all of the Church of England schools in Tower Hamlets at All Saints.

Withdrawal from worship

St Saviour's serves a multicultural community in a vibrant part of London. Whilst we promote the Christian faith and welcome those of the faith, we respect and welcome pupils of other faiths and those of none. Through our worship we acknowledge and respect world faiths and pupils seek to be still without partaking in religious observance or prayer. Parents are invited to discuss any concerns they might have around faith or worship with the headteacher.