Our Curriculum

"The school’s curriculum is transformational, with reflection and justice at its heart." SIAMS


We are committed to the development of the whole child through the provision of a progressive connected curriculum which nurtures and celebrates children’s knowledge, skills and talents. We aim to develop wider personal skills through our breadth, including enrichment activities from welcoming visitors, trips and celebrations which are linked to our personalised themes.

Our curriculum is a vehicle that can enable each child to flourish through the way we interweave the knowledge, skills and themes so that we may promote wisdom and life in all its fullness.

Our interwoven connections between subject disciplines make explicit the opportunities to consolidate concepts and apply them wisely across linked areas. This also supports memory acquisition in learning.

Character development and social justice is woven through narrative enabling children to learn to be courageous advocates through our carefully chosen stories, ensuring all are included. Philosophy for children and an enquiry-based approach to learning is how we value the learning journey and promote curiosity and humanity.

Entrance and exit points mark the journey with assessment opportunities interwoven from feedback to quizzes. The themes, that change half termly, are communicated to our pupils and parents via class newsletters. These outline project linked home learning and our knowledge organisers support and deepen acquisition, memory growth at home and school so that we work as a community to educate the child.

Key questions in designing our curriculum

How does our curriculum reflect the culture, climate and values of our school?
  • Our curriculum is carefully shaped through thorough reflection and refinement in order to promote wisdom, skills and knowledge, live life in all its fullness, developing the whole child as a unique child of God.
  • We construct our offer based on our belief that a St Saviour’s child is entitled to experience excellence in order to be freed from historical demographic constraints and imagine a world of infinite possibilities. We want our children to grow into people who we believe can shape the future of Modern Britain.
  • St Saviour’s is driven by love, and an unwavering righteous indignation that fuels our curriculum as the vehicle for change.
  • The pedagogical underpinnings are built upon Rosenshines Principles of Instruction and Cognitive Load theory in action.

Conceptual coherence is carefully crafted within the design process in order to deepen understanding post Covid in a world where external load has diminished internal memory capacity of some of our most vulnerable.

How do we ensure a broad, balanced, disciplined curriculum?
How do we nourish cultural capital and courageous advocacy?
How do we nourish the whole child?
How is our curriculum lead?